.. pytest-incremental documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Apr 22 18:47:03 2015. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ============================================================ pytest-incremental: py.test plugin - incremental test runner ============================================================ Github: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-incremental PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-incremental `pytest-incremental` is a `py.test `_ plug-in. It analyses your project structure and file modifications between test-runs to modify the order tests are executed and de-select tests. This allows a much faster feedback for interactive test execution. Check the :ref:`documentation ` for more details. Note that *py.test* has support to run standard unittest's and nose's tests. So even if you don't use *py.test* as a test framework you might be able to use it as a test runner. Install ========= pytest-incremental is tested on python 3.6-3.9, pytest 6.x. ``pip install pytest-incremental`` Usage ====== Just pass the parameter ``--inc`` when calling from the command line:: $ py.test --inc You can also enable it by default adding the following line to your ``pytest.ini``:: [pytest] addopts = --inc watched packages ------------------ By default all modules from within your *CWD* will be counted as dependencies if imported. In order to limit or extend the watched folders you must use the parameter ``--inc-path`` This can be used in case you want to watch for changes in modules that are in another project. For example if you are testing ``my_lib`` and want to check for changes in dependencies from your `py3rd` package:: $ py.test --inc --inc-path my_lib --inc-path ../py3rd-trunk/py3rd dependencies -------------- You can check what are the actual dependencies detected by running the command:: $ py.test --inc-deps for better visualization you can create a graph file in "dot" format (see `graphviz `_ ):: $ py.test --inc-graph To generate an image:: $ py.test --inc-graph-image You can also check what are the outdated tests without executing them:: $ py.test --inc-outdated